1989年3月1日香港财政司在立法局发表的89—90年度收支预算案中,公布了七项加税及六项减税措施。现分别简介如下: 七项加税措施一、入口碳氢油类税汽油税每公升由2.55元(港币)增至2.75元。汽车用柴油每公升由1.27 元增至1.37元。自公布起即时生效。二、酒类税威士忌、毡酒、甜酒、伏特加等及其他烈性酒每升由48元增至52元。香槟及含气葡萄酒每公升30元增至32 元。酒精超过15%的无气葡萄酒每公升由20元增至22元;不超过15%的每公升由17元增至18元。
On March 1, 1989, the Hong Kong Financial Secretary announced seven revenue increases and six tax concessions in the Budget Statement for the Years 1989-90 published by the Legislative Council. The briefings are as follows: Seven measures to increase tax First, the import of oil and gas tax gasoline tax rose from 2.55 yuan (Hong Kong dollars) to 2.75 yuan. Automotive diesel rose from 1.27 yuan per liter to 1.37 yuan. Effective immediately from the announcement. Second, the alcohol tax Whiskey, blankets, liqueurs, vodka, and other spirits rose from 48 yuan to 52 yuan per liter. Champagne and sparkling wines rose from $ 30 to $ 32 per liter. More than 15% of the sparkling wines of alcohol rose from 20 yuan to 22 yuan per liter; from 15 yuan to 18 yuan per liter for no more than 15%.