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地球上的一大秘密近年来,有关类恐龙怪兽,国外迭有发现,世界各地目击这种动物的消息更是不绝于耳。可是,直到现在,这种动物仍然象幽灵一样,令人难以捉摸。也无人掌握这方面的真凭实据。有人说,它是史前巨型动物演化下来的现代怪兽;大胆的科学家断言,它是中生代恐龙的后裔;坚持“恐龙绝灭论”的科学家,表示怀疑或反对。它究竟是什么?地球上的这个大秘密,已引起地质学家、古生物学家、动物学家和好于猎奇的探险家的普遍关心和注视。人们问道:现代怪兽是不是史前恐龙的变种?它们之间有没有必然的联系?中生代称霸一时的恐龙倒底绝灭了没有? 有关恐龙盛衰的假设恐龙,崛起于中生代,三叠纪和侏罗纪时盛极一时,可是一到白垩纪末就消声匿迹了。这个突如其来的变化,令人迷惑不解,许多科学家先后提出种种假说。 A big secret on earth In recent years, the relevant dinosaur-like monsters, Diego Diego have found that the world witnessed the news of this animal is endless. However, until now, this animal is still elusive like a ghost. No one knows the real evidence in this regard. Some people say that it is a modern monster that evolved from a giant prehistoric animal; bold scientists assert that it is a descendant of the Mesozoic dinosaurs; and scientists who insist on “dinosaurs extinction” express their doubts or oppositions. What exactly is it? This great secret on Earth has caused the widespread concern and attention of geologists, paleontologists, zoologists and better-than-adventurous explorers. People ask: Are modern monsters a variant of prehistoric dinosaurs? Are there any necessary connections between them? Are the Mesozoic dominated dinosaurs extinct? No hypothetical dinosaur about the rise and fall of the dinosaurs, rising in Mesozoic, Triassic and Jurassic Luo Ji Shi Sheng Shi moment, but as soon as the end of the Cretaceous disappeared. This sudden change is puzzling and many scientists have come up with various hypotheses.
在电路分析中,巧用叠加原理可以方便得到计算结果,又常常会出现概念上的错误。通过一个实例,给出正确的方法。 In the circuit analysis, the principle of superposition c
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