Relinquishing power

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The Central Government employs new self-restraint initiatives that will allow the market to play a“decisive role”In a bid to boost transparency,China’s cen tral government departments have bee ordered to make public their“power lists”—registers of administrative approval procedures According to a circular issued by the Stat Council,the country’s cabinet,on February 20all its subsidiary ministries,commissions an administrations are to publish their existing ap proval requirements on their official websites,s that they can be viewed by the general public.The government should reform what an how it administrates,and central governmen departments will not be allowed to interfere i the approval of items not included in their ow registers,the circular announced. The Central Government employs new self-restraint initiatives that will allow the market to play a “decisive role” in a bid to boost transparency, China’s cen tral government departments have be ordered to make public their “power lists” - registers of administrative approval procedures According to a circular issued by the Stat Council, the country’s cabinet, on February 20all its subsidiary ministries, commissions an administrations are to publish their existing ap proval requirements on their official websites, s that they can be viewed by the general public. The government should reform what an how it administrates, and central governmen departments will not be allowed to interfere i the approval of items not included in their ow registers, the circular announced.
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