弗兰克相信 5是他的幸运数字。他出生在5月5日,有5个孩子,住在东55街555号。55岁生日那天,他意外地发现,有一匹叫“五号”的赛马将参加第五场比赛。因此,在比赛开始前5分钟,他到5号窗口,在“五号”赛马上押了5000美元。
Lucky Number
Frank believed that five was his lucky number. He was born on May 5th, had five children and lived at No.555 East 55 Street. At the track on his 55th birthday, he was surprised to find a horse named Numero Cinco (五号, 西班牙语)running in the fifth race. So five minutes before the race, he went to the fifth window and put five thousand down on Numero Cinco.
Sure enough, the horse finished fifth.
Lucky Number
Frank believed that five was his lucky number. He was born on May 5th, had five children and lived at No.555 East 55 Street. At the track on his 55th birthday, he was surprised to find a horse named Numero Cinco (五号, 西班牙语)running in the fifth race. So five minutes before the race, he went to the fifth window and put five thousand down on Numero Cinco.
Sure enough, the horse finished fifth.