9月5日,中国石油西南油气田当天产量达到5 630万m3,今年累计生产天然气达到150.05亿m3,完成年度计划的72.3%,有效保障了川渝地区工业生产和居民生活用天然气。安岳气田高石梯—磨溪区块是西南油气田的主力生产区块。西南油气田在磨溪区块龙王庙组气藏大力推行勘探开发一体化,实现气田开发少井高效,气藏累计投产单井44口,日产气约2 700万m3,今年累产天然气66.88亿m3;有序推进高石梯震旦系气藏评价建产工作,破除了高石梯震旦系古老复杂气藏提高单井产量的技术瓶颈,完成了8口井的试采,今年累计生产天然气5.41亿m3。
September 5, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gas Field production reached 56.3 million m3 on the day, this year’s total natural gas production reached 15.05 million m3, completed the annual plan of 72.3%, effectively protecting the industrial production in Sichuan and Chongqing and residential natural gas. Anyue Gas Field Gaoshiti - Moxi block is the Southwest Oil and Gas Field’s main production block. Southwest Oil and Gas Field vigorously promote integration of exploration and development in the Longwangmiao Gas Reservoirs in Moxi Block, realizing a less productive and productive gas field. The gas reservoir has accumulated a total of 44 single wells and a daily production of about 27 million m3. The cumulative natural gas output this year was 6.688 billion m3 ; Orderly push forward the evaluation and production work of Sinian gas reservoirs in Gaoshiti, eliminate the technical bottleneck of improving the single well production in Sinian ancient complex gas reservoirs of Gaoshiti and completed the trial production of 8 wells, with a total production of 541 million natural gas this year m3.