嘉廷省长在我省国有企业改革与脱困工作会上作了非常重要的讲话,这对于下一步全省如何深入扎实的搞好这项工作具有重要的指导意义。希望大家认真讨论好12个配套文件,把会议精神和工作实际结合起来,推动各地区、各部门、各系统的国有企业改革和发展工作向纵深发展。下面,我就当前工作讲几点意见: 一、认清形势,增强信心,明确任务,狠抓落实,确保今年各项目标任务的实现 4月中旬,省政府召开了全省电视电话会议。
Governor Jiating made a very important speech in the province’s state-owned enterprise reform and work-breaking work conference. This has important guiding significance for the next step in how the province does a solid and solid job in this work. I hope that everyone will seriously discuss 12 supporting documents, combine the spirit of the meeting with the actual work, and promote the development of the reform and development of state-owned enterprises in all regions, departments, and systems. Next, I would like to make a few comments on the current work: I. Understand the situation, enhance confidence, clarify the tasks, and pay close attention to implementation to ensure the realization of the goals and tasks for this year. In mid-April, the provincial government held a video teleconference in the province.