英特尔公司在峰会上宣布于2009年启动的基于凌动~(TM)平台的英特尔嵌入式大学计划将在201 1年覆盖全国100所高校,支持开设嵌入式课程,建立联合实验室,并提供师资培训。“英特尔中国大学峰会”自2003年举办以来,已经成为国内产业界和高校、学术界深入沟通和合作的平台。在今年的峰会上,英特尔与国内近百所高校的专家学者们分享了制程工艺、高性能计算的存储架构、嵌入式技术与物联网、软件创新等领域最
Intel Corporation announced at the summit Intel Atom TM platform based on Intel Embedded University in 2009 plans to cover 100 universities nationwide in 201 1, to support the establishment of embedded courses, the establishment of a joint laboratory and provide teachers Training. Since the Intel China University Summit was held in 2003, it has become a platform for in-depth communication and cooperation between domestic industry, universities and academia. At this year’s summit, Intel and hundreds of domestic universities and experts and scholars shared the process technology, high-performance computing storage architecture, embedded technology and Internet of Things, software innovation and other fields