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随着小说《达·芬奇密码》引发的热潮从纸面蔓延到银幕,意大利不可避免地因此再次成为时尚话题的焦点。这个拥有丰厚文化遗产,又充满现代文化创造活力的国度,正以“时尚而健康”的生活艺术家身份,向世界展示她令人艳羡的存在方式。如符号学家艾柯所言:“如果说别的国家有一种设计理论,意大利则有一套设计哲学,或许是一套设计思想体系。”把这句话套用在意大利眼镜产业之上,我们不难发现,其实他们多年来一直都是在继承着这种哲学,来设计他们的产品,甚至设计他们的发展道路。虽然我们曾经推出过很多有关意大利品牌和时尚的文章,也曾在2004年第4期刊发过《撩开意大利眼镜的神秘面纱》一文对意大利眼镜制造史进行了介绍,但毕竟都没有对意大利眼镜走俏世界市场的背景成因和历史根源展开过分析。于是,本期我们特别约请了意大利De Rigo眼镜集团亚洲区执行董事Mr.Michele Aracri为此撰文,让他从一个意大利眼镜人的视角,把让我们陌生的、曾经听说过的、耳熟能详的甚至了然于胸的各类关于意大利眼镜的信息串联组合起来,从而帮我们形成一个更系统的认知。 With the frenzy caused by the novel “Da Vinci Code” spreading from the paper to the screen, Italy inevitably has once again become the focus of fashion. This country rich in cultural heritage and full of modern culture is showing its enviable presence to the world as a “fashionable and healthy” living artist. As ecologist Emiko put it: “If other countries have a design theory, Italy has a design philosophy, perhaps a set of design ideas.” Apply this sentence above the Italian optical industry, we do not Difficult to find, in fact, they have been inherited this philosophy for many years to design their products, and even design their development path. Although we have introduced a lot of articles on Italian brands and fashion, also published in the fourth issue of 2004, “put aside the mystery of Italian glasses,” a text on the history of the manufacture of glasses in Italy were introduced, but after all, no Italian glasses The background of the popular world market causes and historical origins have been analyzed. So, this issue we specially invited the Italian De Rigo glasses Asia Executive Director Mr.Michele Aracri wrote an article, let him from the perspective of an Italian glasses, let us strange, have heard, well-known or even Knowing all kinds of information on the Italian glasses in series concatenation, helping us to form a more systematic understanding.