Male, 39 years old, with left limb weakness 3h treatment. In the past 10 days to work and rest irregular headache, 3h before found the left limb weakness, especially in the left lower limbs, no headache, nausea. Past physical health, addicted cigarettes a day more than a pack. Check: T35 ℃, P90 times / min, R20 times / min, BP14 / 10kPa. Conscious clarity, double pupil diameter of 2.5mm, such as large round, sensitive to light reflection, the left nasolabial fold slightly shallow, slightly left extensor side of the tongue, left facial skin feeling sluggish, soft neck, no abnormal heart and lung. Spleen not touched, the left upper and lower limb muscle strength Ⅳ grade, tendon reflex a little hyperactivity, did not lead to pathological reflex, left leg leg endurance decreased, left hand grip