专门从事市场研究的 METAGroup公司的报告显示,全球的 CRM 市场正以每年50%的速度增长。这意味着2004年的市场销售收入将达到670亿美元。METAGroup 还指出,未来企业在 CRM上的投入将赶上并超过 ERP。到2004年,分析、咨询和系统集群服务将成为 CRM市场中的生力军,其年增长率将达到惊人的82%。但是,据有关机构调查结果表明,实施 CRM 的项目中有一半以上是失败的!其中很大的因素在于企业对 CRM 没有很正确的认识,他们并朱明确要通过 CRM达到什么样的目标就盲目上马。惠普咨询事业部(HP Consulting,HPC)为联邦速递,AT&T、亚马逊等知名企业实施了CRM 系统。在实践的过程中,HPC 总结出一套 CRM 的方法论。它是以称作FocusPM 的 HP 项目管理方法为核心而发展出来的一套方法论,按照分析→实施→评估几个层次分为六个步骤来进行。HPC 的方法论在不同的阶段有不同的工
The METAGroup company, which specializes in market research, reports that the global CRM market is growing at a 50% annual rate. This means that in 2004 the market revenue will reach 67 billion US dollars. METAGroup also pointed out that the future of corporate CRM investment will catch up and surpass ERP. By 2004, analytics, consulting and system clustering services will be a new force in the CRM market, with an astonishing 82% annual growth rate. However, according to the findings of relevant agencies, more than half of CRM implementation projects failed. One of the major reasons for this is that enterprises do not have a correct understanding of CRM. They do not know exactly what they will achieve through CRM Launched HP Consulting (HPC) implemented a CRM system for reputable companies such as Federal Express, AT & T, and Amazon. In practice, HPC summed up a set of CRM methodology. It is based on a methodology called HP Focus Focus PM project management methodology developed in accordance with the analysis → implementation → assessment of several levels is divided into six steps to carry out. The HPC methodology has different kinds of work in different stages