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可靠性是衡量产品质量和经济效益的重要指标,一般以无故障间隔时间越长,产品失效率越短,则其可靠性越高。影响产品可靠性的因素,可能有设计思想上的,也有使用方面的。尽管目前预测产品的可靠度尚有困难,但是,从产品设计阶段就应该对线路设计和器件选用等方面的可靠性数据予以收集。元器件的可靠性是产品可靠性的基础。 Reliability is a measure of product quality and economic benefits of an important indicator, the general failure-free interval longer, the product failure rate is shorter, the higher the reliability. Affect the reliability of the product may have design ideas, but also the use of. Despite the current difficulties in predicting the reliability of the product, reliability data on circuit design and device selection should be collected from the product design stage. The reliability of components is the basis of product reliability.
二、常用钢材的种类、名称、牌号和焊接性能 (一)钢材的分类钢和铁是黑色金属的两大类,都是由铁和碳这两种主要元素所组成的合金。含碳量在2%以下的铁碳合金称为钢,含碳量在2
A high-speed and high-res ol ution optical A/D quantizer is proposed. Its architecture is discussed. Bit circ uits are built by using the phase modulators in pa
The photochemical isomerization of trans and cis-difluorostilbenes has been studied.In the presence of a photosensitizer (biacetyl, 0.05 mol·L~(-1)) about 75%
In structural chemistry,it has been well accepted that,besides orbital interactions,geo-metrical factors e.g.size and shape of the bonded atoms and groups,may
在国内首先引用放射性同位素法,快速得出了刀具耐用度与切削速度的关系。精确地查明了切削过程中刀具磨损进展的模型。 In the first reference to radioisotope method, qu