由上海冷藏库协会、上海市制冷学会和上枫制冷设备有限公司等负责筹建的《上海冷藏历史发展陈列馆》正在积极筹 备之中,其中“上海冷藏史”的初稿已经完成,值此庆贺首届上海制冷节之际,我们选摘了部分主要内容刊载,供读者参考并请提 出宝贵修改意见。
Shanghai Refrigeration Association, Shanghai Institute of Refrigeration and Refrigeration Co., Ltd. on the maple and other responsible for the preparation of the construction of the “Shanghai Museum of Refrigerated Historical Exhibition” is actively preparing for the “draft of the history of Shanghai,” the first draft has been completed, the value of this On the occasion of the celebration of the first Shanghai Refrigeration Festival, we selected some of the main contents of which were selected for readers’ reference and requested valuable suggestions for amendment.