Personality Factors Influencing Second Language Acquisition and Their Counter measures

来源 :高中生学习(师者) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:davidzn
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Personality has a great effect on learner’s language acquisition.Extroverted and introverted personality do not affect the quality of language achievement,but affects the amount of language achievement,.Education should be individualized according to learners’aptitudes.On the one hand,teachers should adopt the teaching method which is consistent with their personality strengths and preference.On the other hand,teachers should take measures to make up for the shortcomings of their personality by using some suitable approach. Personality has a great effect on learner’s language acquisition.Extroverted and introverted personality do not affect the quality of language achievement, but affects the amount of language achievement, .Education should be individualized according to learners’aptitudes .On the one hand, teachers should adopt the teaching method which is consistent with their personality strengths and preference. On the other hand, teachers should take measures to make up for the shortcomings of their personality by using some suitable approach.
德國教育家赫尔巴特把整个学习过程概括为“注意、等待、探究、行动”,并指出:“都是和兴趣有直接关系”。托尔斯泰也说过:“成功的教学所需要的不是强制,而是激发学生的兴趣。”  因此,教学应当始终贯穿在学生的兴趣当中。只有学习兴趣才能开启学生的心灵,活跃学生的思维,唤醒学生的潜能,放飞学生的情感。那么,如何激发中学生学习语文的兴趣,使他们从“被动无奈学习”变为“主动好学”?近年来,我做过这样一些尝试,并