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吊脚楼是黔东南民居的独特符号。《魏书·僚传》记载了中国西南部“干栏”式建筑特点:“……,依树积木居其上,名日干栏。”干栏式建筑之所以多出现在南方,大多与居住环境和天气湿润有重要关系。走进贵州的苗、侗、水、瑶之乡,你会看到一簇簇鳞次栉比的木楼民居群依山而建,在莽苍深处忽隐忽现,构成一幅幅山海林壑与人类之间亲密元间的画卷。来过贵州的人一定还在回味那满目苍绿的原始森林,在大山的怀抱,那升腾起的潆潆烟雾在青山绿水间缭绕,那层层叠叠的弯弯曲线组合成壮观美丽的梯田,点缀在它们之间的座座苗寨、侗寨,那鼓楼、那吊脚楼、那风雨桥,美丽无比。作为生于斯长于斯的画家,每一次走进这些苗寨、侗寨,创作的灵感瞬间会被激活,兴奋到极致。这些点缀在中华大地上光辉灿烂的人文景观,展现了苗侗人民的智慧,凝聚了历史的沧桑和沉重,积淀着丰富的文化内涵。它们远离都市,却更显原生 Diaojiaolou Qiandongnan residential unique symbol. “Wei Shu Biography” records the southwest of China “Dry Bar ” type architectural features: “... ..., according to the tree blocks on which the name of the day dry column. ” Dry column architecture appears in the South, mostly with the living environment and wet weather have an important relationship. Into the Guizhou Miao, Dong, water, Yao of the township, you will see a cluster of row after row of residential buildings in the wood floor built in the depths of Mang flickering, constitute a Shanhaiguan and human Intimacy between the picture scroll. People who have come to Guizhou must still be remembered that the green forests everywhere, in the arms of the mountains, the rising smoke and smoke in the green mountains and water between the layers of bending curves that form a spectacular and beautiful terraces , Dotted in the seat between them Miao Village, Dongzhai, Drum Tower, that Diaojiaolou, that the stormy bridge, extremely beautiful. As a painter born in Sri Lanka, each time into the Miao Village, Dongzhai, inspiration for the creation of an instant will be activated, excited to the extreme. These glittering cultural landscape embellished on the vast land of China show the wisdom of Miao and Tong peoples, unite the vicissitudes of history and the heavy, and accumulate rich cultural connotations. They are far from the city, but more native