碧宁(过氧笨甲酞凝胶)适应症局部外用治疗寻常性座疮(粉刺、青春痘)。用法与用量将患部皮肤洗净后涂上本剂(只限患部皮肤),早晚各一次。注意事项.(l)个别情况下有皮炎发生时,应停止用药并给以相应处理.反应消退后可降低用药浓度或减少用药次数,多能继续用药〔. (2)本品应避免与
BINGNING (Peroxyphthalide gel) Indications Topical treatment of acne vulgaris (acne, pimples). Usage and dosage Wash the affected area of the skin after the application of the agent (only affected area of the skin), sooner or later each time. Note (1) in individual cases of dermatitis occurs, should stop the medication and give the appropriate treatment. After the reaction subsided to reduce drug concentration or reduce the number of medication, and more can continue to medication 〔2. (2) This product should be avoided and