四季如春的昆明东郊,有一个风光秀丽、景色宜人的天然湖泊——阳宗海。阳宗海畔,有一座不起眼的小山包——亮旦山。28年前,当四面八方的建设者到达这里时,山上有的是丛生的杂草、嶙峋的乱石。在当时,人们很难想象,在不远的将来,这座不起眼的小山包上会升起一颗璀璨夺目的星星——一颗让红土高原引以自豪的有色明星——云南铝业股份有限公司。 如果说,1972年,当一幢年产电解铝3000吨的电解车间在这个小山包上
The four seasons such as the eastern suburbs of Kunming, there is a beautiful, beautiful natural lake - Yangzonghai. Yangzonghai, there is a humble hill bag - bright Dan Shan. When the builders of all walks of life arrived here 28 years ago, there were clusters of weeds and jumbled rocks in the mountains. At that time, it was hard to imagine that in the not-so-distant future, this humble little mountain bag would have a bright star-a Yunnan-based aluminum company that prides itself on the Red Plateau Limited. If you say that in 1972, when an electrolytic plant with an annual output of 3,000 tons of electrolytic aluminum in this hill bag