Assante Di Cupillo,中文名李凡,法国摄影师,毕业于哈尔滨的东北林业大学对于很多国外摄影师而言,中国是神秘的,常居在深圳的法国摄影师Assante Di Cupillo算得上是半个中国通。2000年Assante Di Cupillo以一名留学生的身份来到了中国,在哈尔滨的东北林业大学学习。2003年毕业后他赴越南工作了两年,2005年回到了中国。在中国学习、工作第14年的他,甚至比很多中国人都了解这个高速发展的国家正在经历着什么。在中国留学、工作的经历,中西文化的交融,也改变了这位法国摄影师的镜头语言。
Assante Di Cupillo, Chinese name Li Fan, French photographer, graduated from Northeast Forestry University in Harbin China is a mysterious photographer for many foreign countries. The French photographer Assante Di Cupillo, who lives in Shenzhen, counts as half a China through. Assante Di Cupillo came to China as a foreign student in 2000 and studied at Northeast Forestry University in Harbin. After graduating in 2003 he went to Vietnam for two years and returned to China in 2005. In the 14th year of his studies and work in China, he understands even more than many Chinese people what this rapidly developing country is experiencing. Studying in China, the work experience, and the blending of Chinese and Western cultures also changed the lens language of the French photographer.