随着《水法》的颁布实施,蚌埠市水政水资源管理体系已逐步建立、完善起来,水行政执法工作取得了可喜的成果,先后查处水事案件48起,调解水事纠纷63起,挽回经济损失120万元,促进了水利基础产业的发展。通过几年的工作实践,我们深有体会,开展水行政执法必须抓好以下几点工作。 一、大力宣传水法,创造良好的执法环境 由于《水法》颁布的时间较短,人们的水利法制观念较淡薄,这就给水行政执法工作带来困难。为了提高人们的水利法制意识,创造一个良好的执法环境,必须在水法规宣传中做好几方面的工作:1、面向自身宣传。
With the promulgation and implementation of the “Water Law”, Bengbu City’s water administration and water resources management system has been gradually established and perfected. Water administrative law enforcement has made gratifying achievements. It has investigated and dealt with 48 water affairs cases and 63 mediation water disputes. Save 1.2 million yuan economic losses, and promote the development of water conservancy basic industries. Through several years of work practice, we deeply understand that to carry out water administration law enforcement must do a good job in the following points. First, vigorously promote the water law and create a good environment for law enforcement As the “Water Law” promulgated a relatively short period of time, people’s legal concept of water conservancy is relatively weak, which gives the water administrative enforcement difficulties. In order to raise awareness of the legal system of water conservancy and to create a good environment for law enforcement, we must do a good job in several aspects of water law propaganda: 1. For self-promotion.