Romantic Poem and Majestic Peaks of Liuzhou to Lure Visitors

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  There is a simple, hospitable and charming garden ornamented with green peaks, clear water, fantastic stones and tranquil caves. Pretty scenes can be seen everywhere in the humid mountains and beside the Liujiang River. The flow of the Liujiang River is running as slow as many years ago, nurturing generations of local people and fostering a splendid culture. Liuzhou, an aged-old noted historical and cultural city, was praised by numerous talented and popular poets in their works. Liu Zongyuan, a renowned poet in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), once wrote that: “Trees standing on the hills cover almost everything, and the river meanders through the city”. Xu Xiake, an esteemed geographer and traveller during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), admired the beauty of this land in his travel notes: “Thousands of peaks stand around the city, and the city was embraced by a winding river”, leaving us a vivid description of Liuzhou. Also, Liuzhou was praised by then Premier Wen Jiabao as “a city boasting green mountains, clean water and excellent environment” during his visit to Liuzhou in 2006.
  Flourishing historical culture of the Dragon City
  Located in the north-central area of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Liuzhou shares a boundary with Hunan Province in the north and Guizhou Province in the northwest. The Liujiang River meanders through the downtown, as reflected in Liu Zongyuan’s poem: “The meandering Liujiang River resembles my complicated feeling”. Featured with green mountains, elegant hills, odd caves, beautiful stones, exuberant forest and lush grass, Liuzhou is shaped like a pot. Reputed as the Dragon City or the Pot City, Liuzhou was listed as one of the A-class tourist cities and historical and cultural cities in China.
  As early as 60,000 years ago, the ancient human beings had started their slash-and-burn cultivation on this land. Research showed that the geological age of the “Liujiang Man” unearthed from Liuzhou was earlier than that of the “Upper Cave Man” from Beijing, indicating that “Liujiang Man” is the representative of the earliest “Homo Sapiens” ever found in southern China and even Southeast Asia.
  Since a country was established here in the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-9 AD), the scattered cultural relics, historic sites, poems and biographies written by men of literature and writing had silently told us its previous 2,100 years. Liuzhou belonged to Guilin Prefecture during the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-206 BC), and it was not until the Western Han Dynasty that this area became a county for the first time. During the Tang Dynasty (618-907), its name was changed from Maping County to Liuzhou County.   The prehistoric culture continuously has been inherited on in this land, forming a splendid Liuzhou. Indeed, “flourishing” and “inclusive” are the two best adjectives to describe Liuzhou’s culture. Liuzhou’s people embrace not only the men of letters’ culture represented by Liu Zongyuan, but also the religious culture with symbols as Kaiyuan Temple and Lingquan Temple. No matter whether it is refined literature or any other type of culture, it can flourish here. Besides, Liuzhou is a multi-ethnic region where different customs interact with each other, thus forming a rich and diverse ethnic culture. As it is, its exotic charm of ethnic custom can be summed up as “Dong’s architecture, Miao’s festival, Yao’s dancing and Zhuang’s singing”.
  Nurtured with decency and integrity of a number of noble ancient sages, Liuzhou’s culture has featured with masculinity which is directly expressed by local people’s frankness, straightforward and unyielding character.
  Flowing water and towering peaks
  There is a vivid description about Liuzhou’s picture-postcard cityscapes — “Liuzhou is a city in the landscape garden and the landscape garden embraces the city”. For years, Liuzhou has developed scenic sites along the Liujiang River, such as the Panlong Waterfall Group, music fountain, riverside sites as well as lighting projects. Either a view of a bird resting on the green peak of Standing-Fish Rock, or any seasonal color of Longtan Scenic Area, or several lines of poetry left at Liu Zongyuan’s Memorial Temple, will enable you to stay longer on this mysterious land.
  Yufeng Hill (Standing-Fish Rock Scenic Spot), standing on the southern shore of Liujiang River, is shaped like a standing fish, hence its name. The hill, small in size, looks delicate and pretty. At the foot of the hill, there is the Little Dragon Pool with clear water. On the south side of the pool, there is the Stone Museum in which more than 100 species of stones and over 500 valuable items are exhibited. Viewing downwards beside the pool bank, the pool forms a beautiful reflection, like a giant carp leaping in the pool, so it is also named as the Leaping-Fish Pool. Yufeng Hill has seven winding rock roads from the foot to the Shuxin Pavilion in the hillside. From the hill gap to the peak, however, there is only one way for going up and down, just like a ladder to heaven. Seven caves are irregularly scattered yet each connects to another. In the caves there are huge and extraordinary sculptures of Liu Sanjie (a legendary immortal singer of Zhuang ethnic group). On the walls are engraved poetry and ode by literary giants since the Yuan (1206-1368), Ming (1368-1644) and Qing Dynasties (1636-1912), which are all rare art treasures. Visiting the caves is like being caught in a fairyland, leaving you the illusion of “A half-day in the cave whilst a thousand years in the outside world”. A panoramic view is right here when you are standing on the top of the Yufeng Hill and looking into the distance.   Longtan Scenic Spot, combining beautiful natural scenery with distinctive customs of the ethnic minority groups, is another attraction. Sheer limestone peaks surround the quiet crystal-clear water of Longtan Pool, and cast a reflection on the water. Mysteriously, the water temperature of Longtan Pool is constant. During winter season, the pool filled with rising water vapor and curling fog looks like a wonderland. Record handed down from ancient times showed that Liu Zongyuan had once prayed for rain for local residents here.
  A prefectural governor on the scroll of fame
  Liuzhou’s fame was enhanced by Liu Zongyuan (773-819), a celebrated politician, thinker and one of the Eight Great Literary Masters of the Tang and Song (960-1279) Dynasties. Liu Zongyuan, once a member of the Ministry of Rites in the Tang Dynasty, was demoted and banished to Liuzhou and served as the prefectural governor of Liuzhou in his old age because he participated in a political reform and failed. During his stay, he abolished the slaves, promoted culture and education, cultivated farmland, dug wells and planted oranges, bringing tangible benefits to the local people. In the late Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), the Emperor Huizong (1082-1135) bestowed Liu Zongyuan the official position Wenhui Marquis three years after Liu died in Liuzhou.
  Proof about this part is evident in many landmarks built in his honor in this city. And the Liuhou Park (Park of Wenhui Marquis Liu Zongyuan), built by the local people, seems like an oasis standing in the bustling downtown, attracting a large number of visitors each year. Its elegant landscape is expressed by towering and shady ancient trees, blooming and fragrant flowers, stone hall, the Flowers Island, the Peach Blossoms Hill, bonsai garden and artificial lakes, to name a few. And his hat and clothes, paintings and pictures, inscriptions on tablets introducing Liu’s life and historic feats as well as carved stones from different dynasties are still well preserved and exhibited in the park.
  When you enter the park and walk along the stone path, you can see the Luochi Pool — a pool with clear and bright water. When the moon rises at night, its shadow reflects on the surface of the water, which is gorgeous and rank. The scene of “Luochi Night Moon”, one of Liuzhou’s famous Eight Ancient Scenes, has been well known since the beginning of the Tang Dynasty. The most precious treasure of the temple is the “Three-wonder Stele”. This stele assembles “Liu Zongyuan’s story, Han Yu (one of the Eight Great Literary Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties)’s article and Su Shi (one of the Eight Great Literary Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties)’s calligraphy” in one, bearing profound historical and artistic value nationwide for its uniqueness. In the opposite direction to the Liuhou Memorial Temple, there is the Ganxiang Pavilion, with green tiles, red pillars and delicate paintings. Tradition has it that Liu Zongyuan once planted orange trees here and wrote the famous Planting Orange Poem. With closed eyes, a delicate fragrance from the orange trees nearby will surround you, as if to bring you back to the ancient time.
当白昼的日光不再漫长,黑夜悄然地加速降临,滨海三娘湾边上的如织游人逐渐稀疏起来,咸咸的海风有着南国初冬特有的寒意,引着游人向陆上风光走去。  今年的钦州陆上风光与往年不同,在城东新区一座以“滨海风情,陶都绿韵”为主题的广西钦州园博园在此深根,为南国海滨增添几分了绿意和壮乡风情。随着12月1日第九届广西园博会在钦州开园,园中的八桂美景——揭开了神秘的面纱。  南宁园——璀璨邕剧·名翠邕城  南宁园位
钦州的饮食以桂东南菜系为主,这里的美食除了各种鲜美的海产,还有当地少数民族别具特色的风味,两种不同的饮食风格经过不断地融合,最终形成了钦州特有的饮食习俗。  钦州石斑鱼  石斑鱼是钦州四大名贵海产之一,它的肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,营养丰富,在国内外市场上久负盛名,供不应求,远销港、澳、东南亚和日本等地。钦州沿海常见的品种有宝石石斑鱼、六带石斑鱼、赤点石斑鱼、云纹石斑鱼、青石斑鱼、纵带石斑鱼等。  猪脚
马来西亚是世界主要的锡产国,关丹市的林明镇就曾经是东南亚最大的锡矿所在地。锡器作为马来西亚著名的传统民族手工艺品,种类繁多、质地精良,而且价廉物美,具有极高的收藏价值。  锡器制作是一项古老的传统手工艺,可以追溯至西元前2700年的埃及和伊朗。到了18世纪,英国的锡器工艺传入马来西亚。当地人称锡器为Pewter Wave。完美的锡器制品散发着典雅璀璨的光辉,色泽诱人,富有质感,而且用途广泛,使人爱
关丹以马来人和华人居多。依水傍海,鲜肥味美的海鲜是这座繁华城市饕餮食客的最爱。此外,还有不少马来西亚的传统小吃遍布大街小巷,令人垂涎。  马来味道 ,总有一款合你胃  虾面  虾面是马来西亚一种传统小吃,是由面和米线放在一起煮的,配上虾仁、鱼饼、肉、墨鱼、蔬菜,以浓厚的面汤为底,面上隐隐飘着一层红油。一口吃下,海鲜的鲜甜与汤汁的醇厚令人回味无穷。  关丹香煎咸鱼  西马最长的河就位于彭亨州,因此河
了解一座城市,需要多久?有人说,需要一辈子,也有人说需要三五天,更有人说只需要一瞬间。  在北部湾建设风生水起之际,钦州,这座北部湾畔的滨海城市,因着日新月异的发展速度和发展奇迹而声名鹊起。可是,我们真的了解这座千年岭南古城么?  无论是一辈子的耳鬓厮磨,还是一瞬间的豁然,要了解一座城市,都需要回归到它的历史底蕴中去。那里有着这座城市的来龙去脉,风花雪月,刀光剑影,往事千年。  岭南古城 繁华博易
钦州是广西沿海金三角上的一块宝地,这里环境依山傍海,气候温和宜人。在假期之时约上三五好友,来一场“说走就走的旅行”,感受钦州山海美景的独特魅力,也不失为一次与众不同的体验。  NO. 1滨海之旅  三娘湾旅游区——仙岛公园——龙门群岛——茅尾海——麻蓝岛  作为滨海城市的钦州,来到此处又怎能不体验一番海上风情呢?从三娘湾到麻蓝岛,一路吹着海风,赏着海景,品着海鲜,让钦州湾这片美丽的海牢牢地刻在你的
东南亚风景秀美,加之其独特的文化积淀,历来就是旅行的热门首选地。然而东南亚各国也有着独特且有趣的风俗礼仪,出门在外的游客们一定要注意,稍有不慎可能就会犯了大忌哦!  不用左手递交东西  在泰国、印度尼西亚,他们认为左手是不干净的,握手时若伸出左手或以左手递东西给对方,对方会认为你是蔑视他,或是对他怀有恶意。因此握手或递交东西时,必须使用右手或是用双手为妥。  摇头表示肯定  在斯里兰卡、印度、尼泊
一抔陶土,以钦江东泥为肉、西泥为骨,混制成泥质细腻的陶土原料,以火烤制,抛光打磨,“中国四大名陶”之一的坭兴陶就这么诞生了。《钦县志》记载:“我钦陶器,谅发明于唐以前,至唐而益精致。”  钦州的制陶历史可以追溯到新石器时代,在唐代以前,坭兴陶就已出现。民国9年(公元1921年)城东70里平心村的村民于山麓发现逍遥大冢,内藏宁道务陶碑一方,旁有陶壶一个,此碑刻有唐开元20年(公元733年)字样。迄今
旅行在外,许多人都有购买当地纪念品的习惯。一是可以回味旅途中的美妙,二是可以送给亲朋好友。不过,出境旅游购买纪念品时,需要特别谨慎,特别是在野生动物制品方面。  大家都知道把象牙、犀角和老虎制品带回家是违法的,但我们可能还没意识到,还有很多其他纪念品也会伤害野生动物,并且是出入境的违禁品。  所以说购买前,不妨先问问以下几个问题:  1.这是用什么做的? 2.来自何处? 3.如果买回去,是否需要许