如何转化令人头痛的职高差生,我的措施是六法。 一、“和风细雨”法 即情感温暖法。给差生以微笑的态度,循循善诱,润物无声。这种方法对教育各类差生都适用,特别是对倔强的吃软不吃硬的差生尤为有效。如笔者教育帮助的小A就是如此。他,性格孤僻,脾气犟,经常打架斗殴,班主任和政教处把他训了又训,广播里点名,操场上示众。小A不仅依然如故,而且还产生了逆反心理。对此,我没有训斥他,而是轻轻地拍拍他的肩膀,以疼
How to translate the headache of vocational students, my measure is six. First, the “wind and rain” method that is warmth and law. To poor students with a smile, follow the temptation, moisten silent. This method is applicable to all kinds of poor students, especially those who are stubborn and do not eat hard and hard. As the author of education to help a small A is the case. He, isolated character, temper, often fights, the teacher in charge of the homeland and his discipline and training, radio named, the public show on the playground. Small A not only remains the same, but also produced a reverse psychology. In this regard, I did not reprimand him, but gently pat his shoulder to hurt