目的 简化引信故障树底事件数据库结构 ,便于引信故障树底事件信息检索 .方法 对引信故障树底事件种类统计和分析得出 .结果与结论 根据引信零部件使用条件、作用原理、结构和失效模式等因素对引信故障树底事件进行了分类和命名 .
Aim To simplify the database structure of the fuze tree-bottom event database and to facilitate the retrieval of tree-bottom event information of fuze tree fault.Methods Statistics and analysis of the tree-tree event types of the fuze were carried out.RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS According to the conditions of fuze components usage, principle of action, structure and failure modes And other factors on the fuze fault tree events were classified and named.