
来源 :电瓷避雷器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sodoil
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为了研究建筑物宽度变化对于上行闪电传播的影响,采用了上行闪电的随机放电参数化方案,对上行闪电进行了二维高分辨率下的模拟。结果显示:(1)当上行闪电起始后单向通道垂直向上发展一段距离,通道比较暗,分支比较小;(2)上行闪电发展到达2 km左右后,闪电通道的大部分分支将会产生许多小的分叉,其中部分分叉将会在高电荷密度中心处出现,另一部分分叉则绕过高电荷密度中心,向水平方向延伸发展;(3)随着建筑物宽度增加,上行闪电的通道总步长、上行闪电的水平延伸、垂直延伸有所增加、垂直延伸距离在3.1km-3.4km范围内变化。对建筑物上行闪电起始位置的研究,能够对建筑物电涌保护器的安装、选型等工作提供科学的指导意义。 In order to study the effect of building width variation on the upward lightning propagation, a random lightning discharge parameterization scheme is adopted to simulate the upward lightning at two-dimensional high resolution. The results show that: (1) when the upward lightning strikes, the unidirectional channel develops vertically upward for a distance, the channel is dark and the branch is relatively small; (2) Most branches of the lightning channel will be generated when the upward lightning reaches about 2 km Many small bifurcations in which part of the bifurcation will occur at the center of the high charge density and the other part of the bifurcation will bypass the center of high charge density and extend horizontally; (3) As the width of the building increases, the upward lightning Of the total length of the channel, the horizontal lightning extension, the vertical extension has increased, the vertical extension of the distance in 3.1km-3.4km range change. The research on the starting position of upward lightning in buildings can provide scientific guidance to the installation and selection of building surge protectors.
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我的童年是一座花园,童年趣事是花园里只只翻飞的彩蝶;我的童年是浩瀚的海洋,童年趣事是大海上朵朵洁白的浪花;我的童年是一幅画,童年趣事是绘画中抹抹绚丽的色彩。 My chil
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这个夏天,谷明亮终于鼓起勇气要“拿下”许小青。这到底需要多大勇气?结果又如何呢?Love 1谷明亮正站在护国寺小吃街上等许小青。在谷明亮执着的侦探下,许小青周末的行动轨迹