笔者从一篇通讯中看到,龙门建设实业总公司总经理汪友华用几把砖刀,阖阖碰碰砍了13年,竟砍出个拥有固定资产3000多万元,下辖21个企业的横跨建筑、工业、商业、科研、教育等行业的集团公司,因而便萌生出想来写他的渴望。 今年七月在重庆终于和汪友华总经理见面,便开了话闸:“企业虽然从无到有发展到今天初具规模,但还是第三世界的小国。”接着,汪友华历数了他和他的公司历经的坎坎坷坷……
The author saw from a newsletter that Wang Youhua, the general manager of Longmen Construction Industry Corporation, used several brick knives and cut it for 13 years. He actually cut out more than 30 million yuan of fixed assets and administered 21 companies. A group company spanning across industries such as architecture, industry, commerce, research, education, etc., has thus created a desire to write about him. In July this year, finally meeting with Wang Youhua’s general manager in Chongqing, he opened the gate: “Although the company has developed from scratch and has begun to take shape today, it is still a small country in the third world.” Then Wang Youhua counted him and his The company has experienced the turbulence...