
来源 :中国肿瘤临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woailzm002
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例1男,62岁。因左上腹包块入院,无其它伴随症状。查体:一般情况好,左上腹触及8×8×7cm肿块,质韧、活动、边界不清,深压痛。B超示左上腹7.7×6.0X8.4cm实质性团块,边界欠清,其内回声不均,提示肠系膜肿瘤。术中见空肠系膜根部有10×10×5cm肿物,表面光滑,包膜完整,呈肉红色,1/2面裸露,1/2面与小肠、胰腺被膜粘连,考虑肠系膜恶性淋巴瘤,切除肿瘤和30cm长的空肠及系膜。术后病理报告:肠系膜硬纤维瘤。随访1年无复发。例2女,33岁。1年前发现右下腹有一肿物、活动,入院前5个月肿物增长迅速,伴下腹部坠痛。查体:右中下腹触及3~+个月妊娠大小的包块。表面光滑,质韧、活动、轻度压痛。B超示子宫右上方有2.9×3.6×2.7cm的无回声区,边界清楚,提示右侧卵巢囊肿。术中见右侧卵巢有一囊肿,6.5×5.5×4.Ocm大小,表面光滑,行右附件切除。进一步探查见末段回肠系膜有15×15×6cm大小肿 Example 1 Male, 62 years old. Due to admission to the hospital on the left upper abdomen, there were no other symptoms. Physical examination: In general, the upper left abdomen touches an 8×8×7cm mass, which is characterized by toughness, activity, and unclear borders. Ultrasonography revealed a substantial mass of 7.7×6.0×8.4 cm in the left upper quadrant with a poorly defined border and uneven internal echoes suggestive of mesenteric tumours. In the operation, there was a 10×10×5cm tumor in the root of the mesentery. The surface was smooth, the capsule was intact, and it was meat red. The 1/2 surface was bare, and 1/2 surface was in contact with the small intestine and pancreatic capsule. Consider mesenteric malignant lymphoma, remove Tumor and 30cm long jejunum and mesentery. Postoperative pathology report: mesenteric hard fibroids. Follow-up 1 year without recurrence. Example 2 Female, 33 years old. One year ago, a mass and activity were found in the right lower abdomen. The mass increased rapidly during the first 5 months of admission, accompanied by falling pain in the lower abdomen. Physical examination: The right middle and lower abdomen touched 3 to + months of pregnancy-sized mass. Smooth surface, tough quality, activity, mild tenderness. B ultrasound showed a 2.9 × 3.6 × 2.7 cm anechoic area at the upper right of the uterus. The boundary was clear, suggesting right ovarian cysts. During the operation, the right ovary had a cyst with a size of 6.5 × 5.5 × 4.0 cm, and the surface was smooth, and the right accessory was removed. Further exploration revealed a 15×15×6cm swell in the ileum mesentery
去中文学校接小儿子放学。老师随口问:“晚饭妈妈给你做什么好吃的?”小儿子一愣,半天才想明白:“我妈妈不做饭,只有我们出去露营的时候她才做饭。”   小儿子八岁多,说他是中餐馆养大的,一点不夸张。从他一岁长满牙时起,基本上就是吃我带回家的外卖长大的。那时候小儿子还不会说话,有时候我带他去买饭,他竟然会伸出小手,指指点点地点菜,逗得老板娘哈哈大笑。  其实我以前在家是做饭的,后来可以说是被丈夫“惯”坏
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一、公交行业固定资产管理的特点(一)核算的特点:1、固定资产的分类及核算。公交行业固定资产的取得以购置和自行建造为主。根据用途划分为营运车辆、其他运输 First, the c