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On October 13-16, 2005, the 2005 China(Zibo) International Ceramic s Fair &13th World Ceramic Tile Conference washeld in Zibo, one of the four cities famousfor ceramics in China. The great variety ofceramic products made more than 4,000visitors from home and abroad have an op-portunity to visit Zibo as Shandong’s mostfamous city of ceramics. On October 13-16, 2005, the 2005 China (Zibo) International Ceramic s Fair & 13th World Ceramic Tile Conference washeld in Zibo, one of the four cities famousfor ceramics in China. The great variety ofceramic products made more than 4,000 visitors from home and abroad have an op-portunity to visit Zibo as Shandong’s mostfamous city of ceramics.
舒大文是当代一位有实力的花鸟画家,也是一位勤奋的画家。他不擅言词、内向、诚实憨厚、豪爽,这是画家心灵的写照,画如其人。  在上海,齐鲁八画家的邀请展上,舒大文的作品用笔精道、造型准确、题材新颖,无论勾点、擦染、浓淡、干湿都十分精妙,又流露出自己的风格,充分地表现出他在白描、素描、彩画以及点、线、面传统的功底。  《绿》的画面,尺幅不大,题材简练、精到,那笔墨中的神韵和中西结合的风格,引人注目。画家