寒冬腊月,遭受严重水灾的吉林省人民迎来了灾后第一个春节。春节前两天,记者来到灾情最重的双辽县,看到灾区的男女老少正在欢欢喜喜地迎接新年,所见所闻令人精神振奋。 双辽县,地处东辽河沿岸。去年七月,这里洪水泛滥,200多个村屯被洗劫一空。房倒屋塌,财物漂流,庄稼绝收。一夜之间,20000农户无家可归。
During the winter and the twilight year, the people of Jilin Province, who suffered a serious flood, ushered in the first Spring Festival after the disaster. Two days before the Spring Festival, the reporter came to Shuangliao County, where the disaster was most serious. He saw the men, women and children in the disaster-stricken area welcomed the New Year with joy and excitement. Shuangliao County, is located along the East Liaohe River. Last July, there was flooding and over 200 villages were looted. Housing collapse down the house, property drift, crops absolutely. Overnight, 20,000 farmers are homeless.