
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linba
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在现实生活中,人难免会碰到失败和挫折。尤其是幼小的孩子,他们由于受身心发展水平的限制,能力十分有限,经历和经验缺乏,更容易遭受失败和挫折。有时成人看来是很微小的一次失败,对于孩子来说,可能是一次不小的危机。在遭遇失败和挫折时,孩子可能会不知所措,失望退缩,丧失热情和信心。因此,幼儿期的孩子必须尝试着去学会面对失败和挫折。 In real life, people will inevitably encounter failure and frustration. Especially for young children, they are more likely to suffer failure and frustration due to their limited ability to develop physically and mentally, their limited ability, lack of experience and experience. Sometimes adults seem to be a very small failure, for children, it may be a big crisis. In the event of failure and setbacks, children may be overwhelmed, disappointed with withdrawal, loss of enthusiasm and confidence. Therefore, young children must try to learn to face failure and setbacks.