Optic Paralysis Migraine is a headache accompanied by oculomotor dysfunction. Ophthalmoplegia Migraine is uncommon in adults and children with intermittent oculomotor dysfunction such as ptosis, mydriasis, and downward eyeball deflection, especially if there is a family history of migraine Prompt diagnosis of ophthalmoplegia migraine. Case 5 months girl. Due to irritation and sudden right eyelid ptosis and hospitalization. In the ptosis 1 to 2 days before the emergence of irritation. Physical examination on the right complete oculomotor nerve paralysis. Right eye downward outward skewed, the pupil is extremely large, direct or indirect reaction to light disappear. Complete right eyelid ptosis on the right, normal bilateral fundus examination, left eye movement is normal. Laboratory and radiological examination was normal, including whole blood routine, ESR, urine and cerebrospinal fluid analysis, bilateral carotid artery angiography, EEG