Some peaches and nectarines mature at 18 ~ 20 ℃ after 9 weeks of storage at 0 ℃, and the quality of the breakdown in the interior is very poor. However, the similar fruit is very poor at 0 ℃ (1% O2 +5 % Co_2), matured periodically at 18-20 ° C for a total of 2 days, usually with almost no rotting ring and with good quality for around 20 weeks. Poorly maturing fruits (6.8 kg harvested at harvest) have higher acidity after storage than mature fruits (5.5 kg harvested harvested). The fruit was impregnated with benomyl each time it was intermittently warmed, compared to the pre-storage immersion of benomyl. The degree of decay is about the same, but the internal quality of the fruit performs better and has a higher acid content. After being stored at 0 ° C for two weeks, the quality of the fruits is generally poorer than the quality of the fruits stored within 2-3 days after harvesting.