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  【Abstract】Teaching college English for almost 16 years, the writer finds that many ofhis students have a poor understanding on English grammar (EG). This was proved by students’ compositions. From the perspective of teachers and students, this paper tries to restate the necessity of EG teaching and learning. Then the writer tries to provide some strategies for EG teaching and learning.
  【Key words】English grammar; teaching; attitudes
  “Grammar swings in and out of favor, impelled at one end of its cycle by the observation that grammar lessons aren’t very effective (so perhaps we’d better stop giving them), and at the other by the realization that not teaching grammar isn’t very effective either (so perhaps we’d better start doing it again).”(Swan, 2001, p203) EG faces such a big challenge that English teachers should pay more attention to it.
  EG refers to the inner rules system which forms the structure of English as a language. It shows how the language elements combine and form sentences. “As grammar opens the door to every department of learning, a knowledge of it is indispensable; and should you not aspire at distinction in the republick of letters, this knowledge cannot fail of being serviceable to you, even if you are destined to pass through the humblest walks of life.” (Samuel Kirkham, 1820) Grammar knowledge will improve students’ writing ability. The most important benefit is that students will obtain accuracy of language production. It not only has a beneficial influence on students’ writing ability, but also can make students understand the writing process. In a word, grammar is not just related to writing, but much more than writing. First, it’s a necessary part of English learning. If students know little about English grammar, they can do nothing when they are required to indicate sentences. And if students know little about EG, they will have bad performances in examinations. When students know well EG, they may communicate well than they don’t know the EG rules.
  Moust HU students are from rural families. Some of them are even minorities. Their ethnic mother tongue has deep influence on their English learning. Most of them don’t have a good English learning environment, much less can they learn EG well. EG is also the most difficult task for students. Some of them can not even write a complete sentence. It leads to that some English teachers are afraid to assign students homework of writing compositions, because the students will make many grammar mistakes in their work. It’s a tough task for English teachers to grade their work. The author selected one of her students’ writing as an example.   “Money for our people, there is no one but knows, money is a good thing, it can give me? Bring some what we want, rich we could do something we like to do, for example, traveling, shopping, etc.So we should make good use of our money, using it to do something meaningful. Money is no person does not love, no people don’t like, money for society of development is very important, but although very important, but it will also become invisible cold-blooded killer, so we want to a correct view money, not for the money lost their lives.”
  “I think, as long as one alive will need the money, but one cannot live only for money. Money is living conditions, but not the only life in human society also there are a lot of things more important than money.”
  It shows that the student know little about none, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, and sentence patterns. They can’t use subject, predicate verb, object, complement, attribute, adverbial correctly. Sentence tense and mood are also a big problem. A workman must sharpen his tools if he is to do his work well. This Chinese proverb tells that whatever we do, the strategy is very important. This applys to EG.
  1. Students’ learning attitude toward EG
  The writer made a survey among 120 non-English major freshman students of HU to know about their attitude towards EG. The following sentences are written by students. The same sentences are omitted.
  EG is the most difficult task. It gives some rules to turn out sentences. It’s useful. EG is boring. EG is very difficult for me to learn. I don’t know how to learn EG. I’m not interested in EG.. I did hardly know English grammar because I hate it. English grammar is a big problem for me. English grammar is not like Chinese but it’s important. If you are not learning grammar very well, you can’t learn English well. It’s difficult to remember the English grammar rules and it’s a big challenge to use it. When having grammar classes, I want to sleep. English grammar is the key to successful English learning. EG is the rule of English. It’s complex. EG let me feel headache. I hate EG, but I don’t know why. Maybe it’s boring and I have small grammar knowledge. EG is as important as words. It’s necessary to memorize EG. To me, EG is dull and abstract. It’s difficult for teacher to teach and boring for me to learn. Grammar is a monster.
  Those sentences shows students have the expectation to learn EG well. They think EG is very important and is a necessary part of English learning. The words are used most often by the students to describe EG are difficult, dull, tedious, boring. So, there are two things can’t be ignored: the first one is that they have the expectation to learn EG well; the second one is that it’s difficult for them to learn it well.   How to solve the contradictions? Both the students and the English teachers have some things to do. For teachers, they should think twice. Why the students can’t learn EG well. It must have something to do with the teaching method. The traditional EG teaching method is that: instructors introduce the rules of English grammar. Students put the rules down. And then the students do finish some grammar exercises by using the rules.
  For students: the grammar rules are just introduced by teachers. They are so abstract and boring. The rules are just rules. They are not absorbed by students. Most students can’t learn grammar rules well. They take the course just because it’s required. Until when the students are required to write English sentences and compositions, they realize that their EG is so poor that they can’t even know how to show their ideas by using respectable EG. Most of them can’t associate the grammar with English learning. The effect of the grammar course can’t be perfect.
  2. English Teachers’ attitude toward EG
  College students have finished at least six years English learning during their junior and senior middle school. Teachers think t’s unnecessary to place great emphasis on college EG teaching. Second, teachers don’t find the strict reality of the students EG ability. Finally, most college English teachers are non-native educators of English. It’s quite difficult to obtain a higher teaching efficiency. Grammar expert regards EG like this, “The student in the composition of English is early led to believe that the road to mastery of his language is to memorize a set of disjointed rules and regulations, whose painstaking and generally uncompromising application then constitutes good writing.”(Spangler, 1956) Most teachers focus on developing students’ listening and speaking ability. They put little emphasis on grammar teaching. Grammar teaching is also a challenge for teachers, because grammar is complex both to teachers and students. What’s more, it’s abstract. For many years, the author wrote the grammar rules down on the blackboard and expected students to take the rules down. How did this method work? Just a few students seem to have interest in it. Most of them seeme bored and out of mind. Grammar is not a pleasant task for both. It’s time to shift grammar teaching strategy. After reading the article the battle against AIDS, the author was enlightened. So the method of training teenagers to teach their peers was adotped. After implementing this method for almost one year, the author get the following tips: Students learn more from what they teach to other students.It reinforces what they’ve learned.Students would like to listen to students than teachers.Students won’t take much pressure.Students learn more when they prepare for the lectures.Students will be active learners in the teaching and learning process.Various methods can be used in EG learning and teachering.
  [1]SCHWEIGER,B.A social history of English grammar in the early United States[J].Journal of the Early Republic;winter,2010,30(4):533 -555.
  [2]Clark,U.Grammar in the curriculum for English: what next?[J].Changing English:students in culture
【摘要】随着新课标和素质教育浪潮的不断推进,初中英语教师越来越重视初中学生学习兴趣的培养。只有以兴趣为牵引,才能够有效地构建起趣味化的英语课堂,借此以调动学生学习的积极性,让其带着浓厚的探究欲主动参与到英语学习中来,为教师打造高效课堂提供可能。本文以学生的学习兴趣为基点,简要阐述初中英语趣味课堂建构的几点策略。  【关键词】初中英语;兴趣;趣味课堂  【作者简介】王彩侠,安徽省宿州市灵璧县灵璧实验
【摘要】在新课程不断深入改革发展的当下,中职时期对于学生而言是非常关键的,是学生性格和习惯养成的关键阶段,也是他们人生观和价值观养成的重要时期,因此中职英语教师要在课堂中运用互动性教学的手段,坚持做到设计合理的目标,巧妙运用多种教学方式,教与学进行和谐互动这关键三大方面,为学生未来的学习发展打下坚实的基础。  【关键词】中职英语;互动性;教学  【作者简介】张琬麟,四川省广元市职业高级中学校。  
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