In early July 1946, Commander Li Moan, commander of the First Pacification Zone of the Xuzhou Pacification Administration of the Kuomintang government, commanded the reorganization division of 15 tour operators about 120,000 people to complete the offensive deployment to the liberated areas in the Soviet Union. The Kuomintang army attempted to capture the first frontier positions in Rugao (now Rugao) and Zishi (now Haian) counties in Jiangsu Province. Then continue to follow the Tongyu Road (Nantong - Ganyu) and the North Canal Canal, and make the Kuomintang army guilty of committing crimes from Xuzhou to Bengbu in the Jinpu Railway (Tianjin - Nanjing) to Huaiyin County (now Huaiyin District of Huaian City) Huaian County (now Huaian Chuzhou District).