中国人民解放军高级将领唐天际,不仅是一位身经百战的将军,还是一位造诣颇深的书法家。将军为何对书法独有激情?不久前,我有幸拜访了唐天际的遗孀耿希贤,她向我讲述了唐将军那光辉的革命生涯。唐天际,湖南安仁县人。1925年考入黄埔四期,同年加入中国共产党,从此开始了他革命的历程。 1927年,在贺龙部队特务营警卫连任副连长的唐天际,参加了轰轰烈烈的“八一”南昌起义。当部队撤出南昌向广东进发时,卫戍司令彭干臣指示唐天际暂留南昌,并给他三项任务:与毛泽东带来参加南昌起义的武装取得联系;转交一封给省委的信件;了解敌情。唐天际送走队伍,天还未亮,敌人就把省政府包围了,在一位同情革命的店铺老板的帮助下,唐
Tang Tianji, a senior general of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, is not only a well-versed general, but also an accomplished calligrapher. Why did the general public have an exclusive passion for calligraphy? Not long ago, I had the honor to visit Geng Xixian, the widow of Tang Tianji. She told me about the glorious revolutionary career of General Tang. Tang sky, Hunan Anren County. In 1925 admitted to the Whampoa four, the same year joined the Chinese Communist Party, from the beginning of his revolutionary course. In 1927, Tang Tianji, who served as deputy company commander of the Helong Squadron battalion security guard, participated in the vigorous “August 1” Nanchang Uprising. When the army withdrew from Nanchang to Guangdong, Peng Ganchen, the commander of the garrison, instructed Tang Tianji temporarily to stay in Nanchang and gave him three tasks: to get in touch with Mao Zedong’s armed forces who took part in the Nanchang Uprising; to send a letter to the provincial party; to understand the enemy’s feelings . Tang sky away team, the day is not yet bright, the enemy put the provincial government surrounded by a sympathetic revolutionary shop owner with the help of Don