据媒体综合报道,数月前,因必和必拓矿业公司持有的哥伦比亚塞罗马托索镍矿(Cerro Matoso,以下简称马矿)开发合同于今年9月30日到期,关于哥政府是否应与必和必拓续约的争论甚嚣尘上。9月26日,哥能矿部宣布将与必和必拓继续合作开发马矿直至2029年,但双方将在随后3个月重新谈判合作细节。哥能矿部的上述表态来源于同日哥高级司法委员会对续约给出的法律意见。该委员会认为,原矿山开发合同于今年9月30日到期后应不再续约,但哥政府与必和必
According to media reports, a few months ago, due to BHP Billiton mining company held in Colombia Cerro Matuozuo Nickel (Cerro Matoso, hereinafter referred to as horse mine) development contract expires on September 30 this year, on whether Colombian government and BHP Billiton Renewal controversy is rampant. On September 26, Columbia Mine announced that it will continue to work with BHP to develop Magna until 2029, but both parties will renegotiate details of the cooperation in the next three months. The above position of the Colombian Ministry of Mines comes from the legal opinion given by the Supreme Judicial Council of Costa Rica on the renewal of the contract. The committee believes that the original mine development contract should not be renewed after the expiration of September 30 this year, but the Colombian government and BHP