1996年10月24日,阿根廷的超级网球明星萨巴蒂尼在美国纽约举行了记者招待会,萨巴蒂尼在会上宣布,她将从次日起告别她的比赛生涯。26岁的萨巴蒂尼,不仅以她的球技,更以她那充满性感、散发出迷人魁力的芳容,在世界上拥有众多的崇拜者。由于她和日本的伊达公子的相继引退,使世界网坛在一年内失去了两朵引人注目的鲜花。 在记者招待会上,萨巴蒂尼说:“今后我可以做一些在当运动员时无法做的事情。”但她没有明确地说出她今后的打算。 1990年在萨巴蒂尼20岁的时候,她夺得了美国公开赛的冠军。在这前后的数年间,萨巴蒂尼以她凌
On October 24, 1996, Argentine super tennis star Sabatini held a press conference in New York, United States. Sabatini announced at the meeting that she will bid farewell to her career from the next day. Sabatini, 26 years old, not only with her skills, but also with her full of sexy, charming charming charm, has many admirers in the world. As she and Japan’s Itako son retired, so that the world tennis lost in a year two compelling flowers. Sabatini said at a press conference: “In the future I can do something I can not do when I am an athlete.” But she did not set out her future plans explicitly. When Sabatini was 20 years old in 1990, she won the US Open. In the years before and after, Sabatini took her