
来源 :寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaozao
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根据丝虫病流行区各省、自治区、直辖市的统计资料,1986—1990年全国共血检普查22 350 772人次,查出微丝蚴阳性者268 034人,海群生治疗78 550 945人次。5年内又有162个县、市达到基本消灭丝虫病的指标,使累计达到基本消灭丝虫病指标的县、市增至823个,占全国(除台湾省外)864个流行县、市的95.3%。已达基本消灭丝虫病指标的地区,正将丝虫病防治工作转入监测管理阶段。据各地开展定点纵向监测的初步结果,显示在不追加防治措施的情况下,人群微丝蚴率几乎均持续降低,IFAT阳性率和抗体滴度亦呈下降趋势,仅个别班氏丝虫病流行区的纵向监测点,由于尚存在较高密度的残存微丝蚴血症者,仍可发现阳性蚊媒。5年中,有关丝虫病防治后期流行规律、血清学监测方法及丝虫病症状体征治疗方法等项研究亦取得了新的进展。 According to the statistics of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in the endemic areas of filariasis, from 1986 to 1990, a total of 22 350 772 people were screened through blood tests, 268 034 were found to be positive for microfilariae, and 78 550 945 were for seaquats. In 2002, another 162 counties and cities have basically reached the target of eradicating filariasis. The counties and cities that have basically reached the target of eradicating filariasis have increased to 823, accounting for 864 endemic counties and cities (excluding Taiwan) Of 95.3%. Areas that have basically reached the target of eradicating filariasis are moving control of filariasis into the monitoring and management phase. According to the preliminary results of fixed-point longitudinal monitoring carried out in various places, the population microfilaria rates declined almost constantly with no additional prevention and treatment measures, and the IFAT positive rate and antibody titers also showed a downward trend. Only a few Bancroftian filariasis epidemics Longitudinal monitoring points in the district, due to the presence of a higher density of residual microfilaremia who still found positive mosquito vectors. Over the past five years, new progress has been made in the research on epidemiology, serological monitoring methods and treatment of filariasis symptoms and signs in the latter part of the prevention and control of filariasis.
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