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1丁小默是在儿童医院里长大的,并不是她体弱多病,只是她的家就在那里。她家的楼和住院部只有一墙之隔,家里人都是医生,爷爷、奶奶、妈妈以及已经去世的爸爸,丁小默医学院毕业后理所当然地成为了一名护士。熟悉的味道长驱直入,毫不费力地占领了丁小默的生活。消毒药水、长长的走廊以及两年间穿成了象牙白的护士服,工资不高,有时还很辛苦,但丁小默觉得自己应该满足。但问题在于一切都太熟悉了,这绝不是什么有趣的事,很容易让人失去对另一种生活的想象力,甚至忘记了还有其他的生活。 1 Ding Xiao Mo was grown up in a children’s hospital, not her frail, but her home is there. Only a wall to the floor of her home and inpatient department, the family is a doctor, grandpa, grandmother, mother and the father has died, Ding small medical school after graduation and became a nurse. Familiar taste go straight into, Ding effortlessly occupied the life of Ding Mo. Sterilizing potions, long corridors, and ivory-colored nurses’ wear for two years were low wages and sometimes hard work, but Dinky Moore felt he should satisfy himself. But the problem is that everything is too familiar. It is by no means an interesting thing. It is easy for people to lose their imagination of another kind of life and even forget about other life.
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In order to accurately describe,compare and analyse the spacecharacteristics of movements of competitive rhythmic gymnastics,according to the characteristics of
我于1929年到1933年在法国巴黎镭学研究所师从皮埃尔·居里夫人进行核谱学的研究.1933年通过论文答辩获得巴黎大学博士学位. I studied nuclear spectroscopy from Mrs. Pie
历史上的奥匈帝国为世界摄影史贡献出了一连串熠熠生辉的伟大名字:匈牙利的安德烈·柯特兹(Andre Kertesz,1894-1985,参见本列传十五)、罗伯特·卡帕(Robert Capa,1913-1954
Nuclear magnetic resonance-visible mobile lipid,at 1.28 parts per million(ppm),is thought to be due to mobile lipid droplets formed in cells and has been consid
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