在我国,肺吸虫病分布甚广(达22省),多数为痰中查不到虫卵且无典型临床表现的肺吸虫感染者和非胸肺型肺吸虫病流行区,病原诊断甚为困难。近年研究表明,ELISA 诊断肺吸虫病具有高敏感性和特异性,尤其适合于大规模流行学调查。1980年9月~1988年10月,我们先后对五省部分地区进行肺吸虫病流行病学调查,结果如下:一、材料和方法
Paragonimiasis is widely distributed in our country (up to 22 provinces), most of them are paragonimiasis-infected and non-paratyphoid-paragonimiasis endemic areas where no eggs are found in sputum and pathological diagnosis is very difficult . Recent studies have shown that ELISA diagnosis of paragonimiasis with high sensitivity and specificity, especially for large-scale epidemiological investigation. From September 1980 to October 1988, we conducted an epidemiological investigation of paragonimiasis in parts of five provinces and the results were as follows: I. Materials and Methods