在台湾岛上,晨曦初露之时,许多老人在公园里,面对挺拔的大树,有规律地发出“咿”、“哎”、“啊”的声音,这是流行在台湾的一种保健气功,可以开气美容。 “咿”,就是要使气从鼻子上升到印堂的位置,让气饱满,使额头发亮,运气顺遂。 “哎”,会使嘴角上扬,带有几许笑
On the island of Taiwan, when dawn begins, many elderly people in the park face the tall and straight trees and regularly issue “咿”, “hey” and “ah” sounds, which are popular in Taiwan Health qigong, you can open air beauty. “咿” is to make gas from the nose up to the position of the hall, so full of gas, so that the forehead shiny, smooth luck. “Hey”, will make the mouth up, with a few laughs