河北地处华北北部,东临渤海,环绕京津,是北煤南运、西煤东运的必经之地,又是京津两大都市沟通东北、华北、西北和中南地区的运输走廊。特殊的地理位置,决定了河北交通在国家综合运输网中的重要地位。因此,研究制定并组织实施好全省综合交通运输规划,不仅是实现全省国民经济与社会发展目标的基础与保证,而且对建设好全国的综合交通运输网也具有十分重要的意义。 一、发展的基础和面临的形势 “九五”期间,河北省紧紧抓住国家实施积
Hebei is located in northern North China, with Bohai Sea in the east and Beijing and Tianjin surrounding. It is a necessary place for the northward transportation of coal and the eastward transportation of western coal. It is also a transportation corridor for communication between the two cities in Northeast China, North China, Northwest China and South Africa. The special geographical location determines the important position of Hebei traffic in the national comprehensive transportation network. Therefore, studying and formulating and implementing the comprehensive transport planning in the province is not only the basis and guarantee for achieving the goal of national economy and social development in the province, but also of great significance for building a comprehensive national transportation network. I. The Foundation and the Situation for Development During the Ninth Five-year Plan period, Hebei Province seized the national implementation product