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跨境并购热潮的背后,是越来越多的中国企业正从本土运营“升级”到以全球视野开展跨国经营。对这些企业来说,要把握机遇,更要防范风险。2016年一季度,中国跨境并购数据刷新历史,显示我国企业正在掀起“出海”并购的新热潮。多项研究表明,这一热潮在今年下半年仍会延续。为了解此次并购热潮的特点、探明其背后的原因、挖掘资金配置的关键点,并找出并购过程中隐藏的风险,本刊连线摩根大 Behind the spate of cross-border mergers and acquisitions, more and more Chinese enterprises are moving from “local operations” to “multinational operations with a global perspective.” For these enterprises, we must seize the opportunity, but also to guard against risks. In the first quarter of 2016, China’s cross-border M & A data refresh history shows that Chinese enterprises are setting off a new wave of “sea-going” mergers and acquisitions. A number of studies show that this craze will continue in the second half of this year. In order to understand the characteristics of the upsurge of M & A, find out the reasons behind it, tap the key points of fund allocation and find out the risks hidden in the M & A process,
大多中学语文教师都兼带班主任,要完成语文教学与班主任的双重任务,优秀的语文教师往往会充分发挥语文学科优势,形成良好的班风。 Most of the high school Chinese teacher
【摘要】企业对资产展开监管,尤为关键的在于流动资产的监管。企业流动资产监管的好坏关乎到企业的经营发展。企业没有足够的流动资金,资金周转困难,企业就无法正常运行,严重导致企业面临倒闭,因此企业需要筹资;企业流动资产被闲置,说明企业的资金使用效率低,因此企业需要投资,还债等方式处置流动资金。当今社会中存在许多企业会对流动资产管理的不重视,因此导致出现各种各样的问题。  【关键词】流动资产 企业监管