
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:havor
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Functional improvements of binocular vision after strabismus surgery in adults are common but not well understood. In a prospective study, factors associated with stereoacuity outcome in patients with strabismus acquired following binocul ar vision maturation were investigated. Prospective data collection. Twenty-thr ee patients aged 14 to 85 years with acquired strabismus were enrolled. Random d ot stereoacuity was quantified using a battery of tests including the Randot Pre school Stereoacuity test, the Randot (version 2) shapes test, and the Randot But terfly test. Ninety-six percent of patients achieved measurable stereoacuity fo llowing successful eye realignment. Better median stereoacuity is achieved in pa tients with the following characteristics: ≤12 months of constant strabismus (6 0 vs 400 seconds of arc with > 12 months’strabismus, P < 0.001); a presurgical capacity for fine to moderate stereopsis (60 vs 400 seconds of arc with coarse o r no measurable stereopsis, P < 0.005); a presurgical capacity for macular fusio n (60 vs 400 seconds of arc with no measurable macular fusion capacity, P < 0.00 1); and postsurgical orthotropia (100 seconds of arc) or intermittent orthotropi a (100 seconds of arc vs 2000 seconds of arc with 5 to 8 prism diopters (PD) of postsurgical residual strabismus, P < 0.05). Surgical correction of acquired str abismus is associated with recovery of stereopsis. Factors associated with stere oacuity outcomes include duration of strabismus and presurgical binocular vision capacity. A postsurgical correction of orthotropia or intermittent orthotropia supports better stereoacuity than a larger residual angle of strabismus subtendi ng up to 8 PD of deviation. Functional improvements of binocular vision after strabismus surgery in adults are common but not well understood. In a prospective study, factors associated with stereoacuity outcome in patients with strabismus acquired following binocul ar vision maturation were investigated. Prospective data collection. Twenty-thr ee patients aged 14 to 85 years with acquired strabismus were enrolled. Random d ot stereoacuity was quantified using a battery of tests including the Randot Pre school Stereoacuity test, the Randot (version 2) shapes test, and the Randot But terfly test. Ninety-six percent of Patients median measurable stereoacuity fo llowing successful eye realignment. Better median stereoacuity was achieved in pa tients with the following characteristics: <12 months of constant strabismus (6 0 vs 400 seconds of arc with> 12 months’ strabismus, P <0.001); a presurgical capacity for fine to moderate stereopsis (60 vs 400 seconds of arc with coarse or no measurable stereopsis, P <0 .005); a presurgical capacity for macular fusio n (60 vs 400 seconds of arc with no measurable macular fusion capacity, P <0.00 1); and postsurgical orthotropia (100 seconds of arc) or intermittent orthotropia a (100 seconds of arc vs 2000 seconds of arc with 5 to 8 prism diopters (PD) of postsurgical residual strabismus, P <0.05). Surgical correction of acquired str abismus is associated with recovery of stereopsis. Factors associated with stereocacuity outcomes include duration of strabismus and presurgical binocular vision capacity. A postsurgical correction of orthotropia or intermittent orthotropia supports better stereoacuity than a larger residual angle of strabismus subtendi ng up to 8 PD of deviation.
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