陈老师是个有三十年教龄的老教师 ,长期担任高中语文课教学 ,自我感觉一直良好。可近几年 ,学生对他的课堂教学不满之声四起 ,多次向校领导反映情况 ,认为陈老师教育思想落后、知识结构老化、教学方法古板、教学手段陈旧。言辞颇为激烈。对同学们的意见 ,陈老师很不以为然。他
Chen is an old teacher with 30 years of teaching experience. As a longtime teacher of Chinese teaching in high school, she has always felt good about himself. In recent years, students have been dissatisfied with his class teaching and have repeatedly told the school leaders to reflect the situation. Chen believes that the educational philosophy lags behind, the aging of knowledge structure, the old teaching methods, and the old teaching methods. The words are quite fierce. The views of the students, Chen disagreed. he