例句: One of my patients is a man who succeeds in self-struggle, and is accustomed to his own self. At the age of 44, he founded his own company employing more than a hundred people. He was cynical and never believed his staff could do a good job, so he was always picky about them, often leading to many conflicts and angry wrangling. But he believes his temper has brought success to his career. One autumn afternoon, he rushed from one site to another site, when a motorist blocked the road in front of him. If at peacetime, he would horn, but this time he suddenly felt like a burning stick into his chest. He barely drove the car to the nearest hospital and immediately admitted to the coronary heart disease ward. In the ensuing days, his ECG did not show any signs of heart disease or other abnormalities. He even successfully passed the stress test. Then the doctor instructed to do the final blood test. But the laboratory