学校体育是学校教育的一个组成部分,它属于学校教育的范畴。从整个社会的体育而言,学校体育是整个体育的一个方面,它既有体育的一般性,和其它的体育有联系,又有它的特殊性。作为学校体育工作者,对学校体育的一些基本理论问题进行探讨,这是很需要的。 一 体育的基本概念 (一)体育概念的产生 人类为了生存和生活的需要,不断寻求促进身体发展和健康长寿的方法,经过长期实践总结出许多经验,其中重要的一条就是:人体自身的运动是增强体质、增进健康的良好方法。
School physical education is an integral part of school education, which belongs to the category. From the perspective of sports in society as a whole, school physical education is an aspect of the whole sport. It has the general characteristics of sports and its connections with other sports and its particularities. As a school sports worker, it is very necessary to discuss some basic theoretical issues of school physical education. A basic concept of sports (a) the concept of sports The human race in order to survive and life needs, constantly seeking ways to promote physical development and health and longevity, after many lessons learned from long-term practice, one of the important one is: the body’s own movement is Enhance physical fitness, improve health and good way.