人类社会的演进,有时竟穿插在对健与美的追求中。 张海莉是搞体操的,专业地讲是“把力度硬度与柔性韧性相结合的体育艺术”。翻开张海莉自工作以来所积起来的几大叠厚厚的奖状、证书,我觉得我所面对的采访对象正是这样一名追求者。 张海莉——黄金线割的身段,优雅的中分长发,微黑见光泽的皮肤,宽阔的前额与睿智的深眸,站在面前的她竟如此地风华与美丽! 1990年张海莉创编的男子健美操获得上海市第九届运动会团体冠军; 1991年—1993年在三届全国大学生健美操比赛中,她带队囊括三届冠军奖牌,令一向以“老大哥”
The evolution of human society is sometimes interspersed with the pursuit of health and beauty. Zhang Haili is engaged in gymnastics, professionally speaking is “the combination of strength and flexibility and toughness of sports art.” Zhang Haoli opened up since the work of several large stacks of thick certificates, certificates, I think the interviewee I face is such a suitor. Zhang Haoli - the figure of golden cut, elegant long hair, dark skin, wide forehead and wise eyes, in front of her actually so elegant and beautiful! Zhang Haoli created by man in 1990 Aerobics won the championship of the Ninth Shanghai Sports Team; from 1991 to 1993, she led a team consisting of three champions medals in the three national college aerobics competitions,