戴尔推出白金+(Platinum Plus)服务为服务器及存储系统客户提供最高级支持;累计投资逾两亿美元通过运营绩效指标衡量以及基于Google的跟踪服务带来更高的生产效率2006年7月18日北京-戴尔今日宣布推出全新的白金+(Platinum Plus)企业支持服务,旨在为服务器及存储系统客户提供最高级别的支持服务。白金+(Platinum Plus)服务提供了具有突破性的生产力工具,使戴尔在为商业、教育及政府客户提供更高水平控制能力方面脱颖而出。此三个行业的客户群构成了戴尔收入的85%。
Dell Launches Platinum Plus Services for Highest Support for Server and Storage Systems Customers; Cumulatively Spends More Than $ 200 Million Increased Productivity by Measuring Operational Performance Indicators and Google-Based Tracking Services July 18, 2006 BEIJING - Dell today announced the launch of a new Platinum Plus Enterprise Support Service designed to provide the highest level of support for server and storage system customers. Platinum Plus services provide groundbreaking productivity tools that differentiate Dell from the higher levels of control available to business, education and government customers. The customer base of these three industries constitutes 85% of Dell’s revenue.