有关医学专家说,患有消化系统疾病的人,大都有过或存在着这样或那样的负性心理活动和心理上的障碍,对他们进行治疗和康复调理,是不可回避的问题。 当一些人由于工作、学习繁忙或生活困难较多;家庭或人际关系不和;经济拮据,致使精神经常处于一种紧张、焦虑和忧愁的状态;情绪烦燥,易于激动;如果再加上性格孤僻,无处倾诉;兴趣单一,无法排解,日积月累,势必出现高级神经活动失调和植物神经功能紊乱。久而久之,便可诱发胃肠功能性或器质性病变。如咽神经官能症(中医称“梅核气”)、食道痉挛、神经性厌食症、神经性呕吐、胃与十二指肠溃疡、溃疡性结肠炎,甚
Medical experts said that most people with digestive diseases have or have had negative psychological activity or psychological disorder in this way or another. Treatment and rehabilitation of them are unavoidable problems. When some people are busy with their work, they are busy with their studies or have more difficulties in their daily life; they are not family or interpersonal; they are often in a state of tension, anxiety and sadness due to financial constraints; they are agitated and easily agitated; Lonely, nowhere to talk; single interest, can not resolve, over time, is bound to appear high-level nervous activity disorder and autonomic dysfunction. Over time, can induce gastrointestinal functional or organic disease. Such as pharyngeal neurosis (Chinese medicine called “Mei nuclear gas”), esophageal spasm, anorexia nervosa, neurogenic vomiting, stomach and duodenal ulcer, ulcerative colitis, very