1924年5月创办的黄埔军校(全名中央陆军军官学校),是孙中山先生受俄国十月革命的启发,在共产国际和中国共产党的帮助下,总结历史经验的产物,也是国共两党第一次合作的一个硕果。黄埔军校“在一九二七年蒋介石背叛革命以前,这是一所国共合作的革命军校”。它首创了崭新的革命制度,建立了反帝反封建的赫赫战功,培养了一大批军事政治人才,在我国现代革命史上占有重要地位,产生过深远的影响。 在黄埔军校诞生72周年之际,从思想政治教育史的角度,对我党在黄埔军校开展思想政治工作的经验作一探讨,这对于我们科学地认识马克思主义在中国的传播和发展,继承和发扬党的优良传统,改进和加强思想政治工作,将会有所裨益。
The Whampoa Military Academy founded in May 1924 (the full name of the Central Military Academy) was the product of Sun Yat-sen’s summing-up of historical experience with the help of the Communist International and the Chinese Communist Party, inspired by the October Revolution in Russia. It was also the first of the two parties A fruitful cooperation. Whampoa Military Academy “Before Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution in 1927, it was a revolutionary military academy co-operated by the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.” It pioneered a brand-new revolutionary system, established the illustrious exploits of anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism and trained a large number of military and political personnel, having an important position in the history of modern revolution in our country and having had far-reaching effects. On the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the birth of the Whampoa Military Academy, from the perspective of the history of ideological and political education, we discussed the experience of our party in carrying out political and ideological work in the Whampoa Military Academy. This is of great significance to our scientific understanding of the spread and development of Marxism in China, Carrying forward the fine traditions of the party and improving and strengthening ideological and political work will be beneficial.