
来源 :新课程(教育学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mygd520
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通过反思,我们可以不断总结出新的教学方法。在物理教学中,以问题为中心,提出问题,创设情景,让学生带着问题去探究、去学习,在学生脑海中展现知识建构的过程。这样,学生的学习兴趣更浓、学习动机更强了。 Through reflection, we can constantly sum up new teaching methods. In physics teaching, taking questions as the center, asking questions and creating situations, students can explore and learn with questions to demonstrate the process of knowledge construction in the students' minds. In this way, students are more interested in learning and motivation to learn more.