澳大利亚,矿山救护车将开赴现场澳大利亚1991年~2001年矿山死亡人数及伤害次数如下表:(澳大利亚财政年度由每年4月至下一年3 澳大利亚昆士兰州政府为加强矿山安全,已开始进行矿山救护车的研究。研究该车的目的是改善井下矿工的自救能力。该项工作将由位于Redbank的矿山试验研究站与昆士兰州矿山救护服务中心与澳大利亚煤矿协会联合进行。该救护车应能在特
Australian mine ambulance to go to the site Australia 1991-2001 Mine death toll and injuries as follows: (Australian fiscal year from April to next year 3 Australia Queensland government to strengthen mine safety, has begun mining rescue The study was conducted to improve the self-help capabilities of underground miners, which will be jointly conducted by the Mine Testing and Research Station in Redbank and the Queensland Mines Ambulance Service and the Australian Coal Mining Association.